


 FAQs for getting started
  What's the approximate maximum. size for Logging settings of screen-creating software?

When you use Logging settings in GP-PRO/PB III for Windows, the logging, display and print data has size restrictions depending on the volume of backup SRAM or FEPROM of GP. The approximate size will be explained below.

1.The maximum size of backup SRAM
2.The maximum size of display settings
3.The maximum file size of Print Setting

1.Maximum size of backup SRAM

The maximum volume of backup SRAM of GP77R series and GP-377 series is about 95 KB. The number of logging words can be set from 1 to 32 and number of blocks can be set from 1 to 2048. The tentative max. size when using backup SRAM only with Logging feature is shown below.

No. of logging words times No. of blocks Remarks
32 1291 1 When the No. of logging words is set to the max. 32 words,
24 1635 1 When the No. of logging words is set to 24 words,
18 2044 1 When the No. of logging words is set to 18 words,
16 2048 1 When times x the No. of blocks is set to the max. 2048

2.The maximum size of display settings

The maximum volume of the setup file of display settings is about 58 KB. It might go beyond the maximum. volume depending on the contents of the settings.
The tentative maximum. size for some patterns of display settings will be shown below.

Pattern 1
-Date and values only for column settings
-Set items in the first line and enter each in single-byte 8 characters.
-The number of aggregate-part lines is four (total, average, max., min.)

The max. number of value columns and the max. number of data display lines are as follows;
Number of value columns Number of data display lines Remarks
32 1291 When the number of value columns is the max, 32
16 2048 When the number of data display lines is max, 2048

In the case of the patterns above, all logged data can be displayed.

(1.Refer to the max. size of backup SRAM)

Pattern 2
-Set items in the first column and enter each in single-byte 8 characters.
-Set items in the first line and enter each in single-byte 8 characters.
-The number of aggregate-part lines is four (total, average, max., min.)

The max. number of value columns and the max. number of data display lines are as follows;
Number of value columns Number of data display lines Remarks
32 1007 When the number of value columns if the max. 32,
16 1116 When the number of value columns is 16,
8 1170 When the number of value columns is 8,
4 1197 When the number of value columns is 4

When you set items in columns and enter characters in all columns, the setting file size becomes very large. In the pattern above, about 1000 lines are the limitation and the number of displayed lines becomes extremely limited compared to the pattern 1, although it depends on the length of input characters or other settings.
(2.The maximum size of display settings)

3.The maximum file size of Print Setting

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