


Software Update Module / Add-on Software

Pro-Server with Pro-Studio Update > 2Way Driver Ver. 4.55 Update Module


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File Name 2WayDriverV455.exe
Size 645KB
Update Version Ver.4.55
Original Version Ver.4.54
Description See readmee.txt

Opening the file: (This file is self-extracting.)

  • - This program is for updating the Driver to Ver.4.55.
  • - The setup procedure of the program is as follows.

Setup Procedure

  • - This program should be run on a PC on which GP-PRO/PB III C-Package has been installed.
  • - Do not uninstall GP-PRO/PB III C-Package03.
  • - This installer overwrites only the parts to be updated.
  • - Be sure to close GP-PRO/PB III C-Package03 processes before starting installation.
  • - The target product of this update program is GP-PRO/PB III C-Package03.
  1. Click on the above file name to download the data to desired folder.
  2. After the download is finished, double-click on the file to open it.
  3. Follow the Installer's instructions to install the update files.
  4. When installation is completed normally, " Setup completed." is displayed.
    If there are any problems and installation can not be completed, contact our company.

Note in Setting up the Program

  • - Once installation is completed, screen data must be transferred to update 2Way Driver for GP/GLC.

Update History:

[Ver. 4.55 Update Contents] Dec 22, 2006

See readmee.txt

[Ver. 4.52 Update Contents] Sep 30, 2004

  1. In rare cases, a " 51:00:00:100E " error may occur and it may become impossible to execute reconnecting process during Network connection processing between PC and GP/GLC.
  2. When an indefinite frame is received in "MEMORY LINK Ethernet Type" protocol, in error may occur on the GP/GLC.

[Ver. 3.01 Update Contents] May 28, 2001

  1. The new GP-2501 Series unit is now supported.
  2. The following error was corrected.
  3. - Data can now be read out from a CF Card via the "Upload GP Log Data" Action.

[Ver. 3.01 Update Contents]

  1. 32-bit character string processing has been changed.
  2. The following error was corrected.
  3. - GP setup can now be performed via network (router). (Only GP-2000 Series units)

Last Updated : Dec 22, 2006

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