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 > LT Editor Update Module  > LT Editor Ver. 2.02 Update Module


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LT Editor Version Check
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File Name LT_Ver202.exe
File Size 13,519KB
Table of Contents Updates LT Editor Ver. 2.0 to Ver. 2.02.
Version LT Editor Ver. 2.00, Ver. 2.01
The following features have been updated.
- The selection of "Change screen check".
- Downloads while retaining the present value of retentive variables.
- Verifies the program against the controller.
- Adds the sample files of the identifying symbols for the RKC's protocols, CB/REX-F/LE100 Series temperature controllers.

The following issues have been corrected.
- When searching for a variable comment, the Logic Program Editor may hang up.
- When Dragging & Dropping a variable or displaying the variable comment list, an error may appear. Also after the message dialog is displayed, the editor sometimes quits by itself. *1
1) The message dialog "Smart Heap Error Handler Recursively Re-Entered" is displayed, and then the message "MEM_LOCK_ERROR" is displayed.
2) The message dialog "Smart Heap Library MEM_LOCK_ERROR" is displayed.
- When downloading a logic program using a baudrate setting other than 9600bps, an data transfer may fail. *2
- The variable cannot be deleted when there is a comment in the variable.
- If a logic program and screen data are uploaded from LT unit using LT Editor simultaneously, the present value of retentive variables will not be uploaded.
- The application will be forbidden to close as soon as importing a logic program with some duplicate variable names into a logic program including a JSR command with the inexistent subrutine name.

*1 Be sure to install this update module to avoid any data loss when the editor quits by itself. Apart from this matter, your PC and any data on the hard disk are not affected by the above error.
*2 Your PC and any data on the hard disk are not affected by the above error.
Extracting (Opening) the file (This is a self-extracting file.)
1. Click on the file "LT_Ver202.exe" in the above box to download data to a desired folder.
2. After downloading is finished, double-click the "LT_Ver202.exe" file to open it.
3. Follow the instructions given by the installation program.

If you have problems downloading any of the above files, please contact your local Pro-face distributor.

Last Updated : May. 12.2003
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